Gifts from 100 to 200 euros

Regali dai 100 ai 200 euro


Three circle drop pendant earrings - SHAPES


White Side

Pair of earrings with a cascade of pearl - WHITESIDE



Single earring with wish bell - AMULETI


golden mate

Single earring with Drop and painted hoop - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single pearl chain earring - ORO18KT


candy bow

Pair of earrings big bow neon pink - CANDY BOW


golden mate

Single earring with hand of fatima - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with star - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with paw - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with cross - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with heart - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with butterfly - ORO18KT


golden mate

Single earring with lightning - ORO18KT



Climber earrings


golden mate

Mono-orecchino cuore hoop fucsia fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino stella hoop fucsia fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino farfalla hoop fucsia fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino croce hoop fucsia fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino cuore hoop Verde Fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino stella hoop Verde Fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino farfalla hoop Verde Fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


golden mate

Mono-orecchino croce hoop Verde Fluo e Diamanti Lab Grown - ORO18KT


Stardust Ten

Drop earrings with pavé and plain circles -STARDUST TEN


Stardust Ten

Drop earrings with pavé and plain stars -STARDUST TEN


Stardust Ten

Drop earrings with pavé and plain hearts -STARDUST TEN



Small chunky drop earrings - SHAPES


golden mate

Mono mini hoop letter earring - ORO18KT



Octagon hoop earrings - SHAPES



Lady tall pavè earrings



Triple fringed mini boul earrings



Floating fringe single earring



Oval earrings berry


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